A quick tip for personal Facebook profiles that have business pages

While I am not a big fan of mixing personal profiles with business, many people leave part or all of their Facebook profiles, “public” meaning anyone logged in to Facebook can view information on their personal pages.

If you do have your profile all or partially set to public, make sure in your about section (on your personal profile) you have it correctly set to your Business Facebook page (if you have one.)

More then 50% of the personal profiles I come across on an almost daily basis have business pages and have them linked to Facebook “places” pages, ones that Facebook has automatically created for a business when it imported information from another source, instead of having them linked to their actual official Facebook business page.

While it is possible to merge your places page with your actual business page (see https://www.facebook.com/help/168172433243582 on how to do this). This is about not having the link set correctly in the first place.

An example of a personal profile linked incorrectly, as you can see it it leads to a business places page which has no content or contract information.fb-1

links to this……fb page place

An example of a personal profile linked correctly, as you can see it it leads to a businesses actual Facebook business page. fb3

Links to this……fb4To check and see whether you have your page linked correctly, just click on your “about” section in your personal profile and then click on your “business name” in the Work and Education section. To edit, click edit.

While this is a extremely simple thing, many business owners don’t take advantage of this or they don’t know or haven’t checked that the link is not linked correctly to their page. As I mentioned earlier I see a lot of personal profiles with links set incorrectly, many of them lodging and restaurant owners.

If your business name is not appearing when you try to add or edit your information, make sure the correct title and format that your business page is named is being used. Jane Doe B&B would not come up in your about section as an autosuggestion if your page name is Jane Doe Bed and Breakfast.

If you are going to put in where you work or what business you own on Facebook, the least you can do is advertise it. 🙂

About Chef Forfeng

Innkeeping Tip and Tricks: Please check out some marketing ideas for Inns and B&Bs, Blogging ideas, Facebook Tips and Social Media Tutorials https://chefforfeng.wordpress.com/marketing-for-lodging-resources/
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