30 Ideas for your Bed and Breakfast to Pin on Pinterest


  1. Pin Room Photos
  2. Pin Exterior Inn and grounds Photos
  3. Pin Your Breakfast Photos
  4. Pin Photos of any recipes you have posted on your blog or website
  5. Recipes that you would like to try at your inn
  6. Pin Area Stores/Retail Photos
  7. Area Attractions Photos including any historical buildings, parks, spots of interest, etc.
  8. Area Restaurants and their food photos
  9. Local flora and fauna (local plants and animals)
  10. Your Staff, ad a little bio to the pins
  11. Niche photos, does your inn offer geocaching or have quilters, etc.
  12. Package photos, romantic packages with wine and roses, etc.
  13. Special Touches/Add on photos, cheese and fruit plates, etc.
  14. Pictures of your guests, (with permission!)
  15. Repin photos guests have taken of your inn
  16. Repin photos guests have taken of your area or area attractions
  17. Pin photos of inn pets (if you have them)
  18. Pin photos of guest pets (if you are pet friendly)
  19. If you host weddings, start boards with wedding ideas for favors, cakes, dresses, etc.
  20. Holiday or craft ideas that you would like to use at your inn
  21. Holiday or craft ideas that you have used at your inn
  22. Inn photos during different holidays
  23. Before and after photos of a project or renovation your inn has done. Redecorating a room? Take before, during and after pictures.
  24.  News photos of good or notable things that have happened in your area
  25. Have any promotional materials, rack cards, brochures, etc saved as JPEGs online and Pin.
  26. Area tour boards, civil war, foliage hot spots, historical, boating spots (motorized and non), best places to hike/walk, etc
  27. Pin videos of your area and things to do in your area
  28. Create a board about the history of the inn, use old photos and postcards if available, alternatively if your inn is newer, create a history board of your town or area.
  29. Scan in guest comments from guest books and post with personalized replies
  30. A board about your background and history (suggested by Fallowfields Inn, check out Anthony Lloyd’s board at http://pinterest.com/FallowfieldsUk/my-murky-past/

For more ideas: http://www.copyblogger.com/pinterest-marketing/


About Chef Forfeng

Innkeeping Tip and Tricks: Please check out some marketing ideas for Inns and B&Bs, Blogging ideas, Facebook Tips and Social Media Tutorials https://chefforfeng.wordpress.com/marketing-for-lodging-resources/
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3 Responses to 30 Ideas for your Bed and Breakfast to Pin on Pinterest

  1. This is a great list, Heather. Thanks for posting!

  2. InnkeeperVA says:

    As always may the best photo win! In other words, innkeepers get out there and inn there and take more photos and share share share, that is what everyone loves! Inn season and out.

  3. Carol says:

    Thanks for the VERY impressive and inspiring list of ideas about what to pin on PINTEREST – I find this tool great fun!

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